Alexander Dyer: Candidate for SSC

Alexander Dyer


South Coastal



Favorite Event


What event would you add to the state program?

I would like to add a statewide beach day. All the chapters get together at a beach, and hang out, playing games like Bocce or volleyball and swimming.

How can you improve Massachusetts DeMolay

I try to add a level of excitement to all events, so that they can be as fun as possible.

What makes you the right candidate for the job?

My experience on the State Suite will be useful in planning the events to come.

What I the most important virtue in the Crown of Youth? Why?

The most important virtue on the Crown of Youth is Comradeship. The most important thing that you can get out of DeMolay in my eyes, is friendship. Life is more enjoyable with brothers by your side.

What is your favorite office in DeMolay?


If you could meet one famous person who would it be? Why?

I would meet Ernest Hemingway. Why? He’s awesome. He has hunted sharks. With a machine gun.

What is your spirit animal?


What is your favorite band?

Modest Mouse

Fun fact about yourself

I have never broken a bone.