Christopher Birolini: Candidate for SJC

Chris Birolini


South Coastal



Favorite Event


What event would you add to the state program?

Massachusetts DeMolay Goes to the Beach

How can you improve Massachusetts DeMolay?

I have some great ideas for new events but also some good ideas to change already made events just so slightly that it becomes better. I will talk to every DeMolay in Massachusetts and get their opinions on recent events and use that to my advantage to make them better in the future.

What makes you the right candidate for the job?

I have been a State Representative for the past two years and I have been in DeMolay for five years. I have somewhat of an understanding of the amount of responsibility that comes with being a state officer and I know I can handle it. I also am not shy at all so I’m not afraid to get up and speak in front of people and I’m not afraid to go and talk and get to know every DeMolay in Massachusetts. This helps because this way I can know the likes and dislikes of all of Massachusetts DeMolay and use that to make it better.

What I the most important virtue in the Crown of Youth? Why?

Comradeship, because when you become a DeMolay you become a brother to all the other DeMolays in the world and they are yours too. One of the best parts about DeMolay is the brothers you get from when you join, loyal friends who will be there for you forever, no matter what.

What is your favorite office in DeMolay?


If you could meet one famous person who would it be? Why?

Harrison Ford, because I’ve always wanted to be an actor and I still do. So I choose him because he is one of my favorite actors of all time. I mean come on he is Indiana Jones and Han Solo.

What is your spirit animal?

Clown Fish

What is your favorite band?

Green Day

Fun fact about yourself

Since birth I have had a lazy eye.