Congress Wrap-Up

Congress has met and adjourned.  It was a long day of brotherhood, education, legislation, community service, wings, ribs, ritual and bands.

Congress convened shortly after 9 am on Saturday morning and the last band completed their set at 6:30 p.m.  The State Master Councilor, Timothy W. Nogueira gavelled the State Chapter to order and proceeded to explain the program of the day.

Advisors divided between Dad I Training with Dad Keith Rushlow and meeting with the Deputy EO's; Dads Vinton, Perkins and Szretter.

Active DeMolays chose between preparing boxes of personal items to soldiers serving the country as part of the Masonic Troop Support program or Financial Literacy 101 with Dad Christopher Noble.  

Dad Parsons, who is the Director of the Masonic Troop Support project, provided 100 Priority Mail Boxes, postage and labels.  The DeMolays divided the donated goods, sorted the contents and filled all the boxes during two work sessions.  The boxes included razors, shaving cream, soap, powder, toothbrushes, toothpaste, snacks, phone cards, and other convenience items.  Worcester Chapter donated $500 earned in a fund raiser as part of their civic service project this term.

Dad Christopher Noble entertained his audience with a presentation of what he experienced in his transition from school to the working world.  He gave our members a crash course in payroll deductions, health insurance, car insurance, retirement planning (even at his age), budgeting and planning.  He shared his experiences with on-line banking, purchasing a vehicle, and renting an apartment.

Dad Theodore Polonsky, representing the Aleppo Shrine collected the can tabs from five chapters that participated in the competition.  Worcester Chapter won the competition and was presented $100 as first prize.  Dad and Mom Polonsky have been committed to DeMolay for almost thirty years and Dad Polonsky has been active in the Shrine almost as long.  The can tabs are collected to help pay for the transportation of injured children to the Shrine Hospitals.  This is a worthwhile cause for each chapter and Mom & Dad Polonsky's dedication to this cause and to DeMolay is admirable.

Prior to the legislative session, the chapters met in caucus with a representative of the state suite.  The legislative session convened in the dining hall and 11 amendments to the constitution were debated and voted.  A summary of the changes will appear in another article this week.

The legislative session was made more difficult as "Wings over Worcester," delivered wings, ribs, fries, and onion rings.  The appetizing smells distracted even the most dedicated parliamentarian.

Dad Noble goofed again and did not order enough food even though he increased the order by 30%.  DSMC Daniel Lora, Jr., and State Chaplain Adam Azanow saved the day by getting an additional order from the popular food establishment.  

The Chapter Ritual competition started right after lunch and five chapters competed in the opening and closing of a chapter.  The quality of the ritual was excellent and the results of the competition will be announced shortly.

The chapters not competing finished up the Masonic Troop Support boxes while the Advisors heard from Dad Noble.

Prior to the closing of Congress Dad Richard J. Stewart, Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts was able to attend the last portion of the chapter ritual competition, get some wings and give an encouraging address to the attendees.

At 4:30, SMC Nogueira declared the Congress closed and adjourned to the lower apartments for a double band concert and plenty of pizza and soda.

See the full photo album here.