Lowell Medieval Night an Epic Success!

On March 26, Lowell Chapter turned back the clock and hosted a medieval night to remember.  The hall was packed as monks, squires, knights, and nobles feasted and competed in games of courage and skill.  DeMolays, Squires, Rainbows, and prospects enjoyed a room full of games.  Highlights of the evening included spirited challenges such as the toilet paper mummy wrapping event, hog hockey, cookie balancing, and (water) drinking horn guzzling. Contestants won gems at games including rat races, foam axe throwing, bucket flipping, and many, many more.  Among many highlights of the evening was a tournament of realistic medieval combat put on by the Society for Creative Anachronism, in which three knights in real armor hacked and slashed away at each other.  Lord of the Realm Dad Doug Hanks led the evening, and a historically good time was had by all.