2021 Advisor Renewals

The Annual Advisor Registration for 2021 is now available! We encourage you to log in today on eScribe and complete your Change/No Change form. It takes less than 5 minutes from start to finish. Please do this as quickly as possible to be prepared to continue providing mentorship and support to our young men. Even though the DI due date is the end of November, our internal goal is 100% by October 31st. Please do your part!
To access your form: Log in to eScribe. You should see a link at the top of the page that says, "Complete your Change/No Change Form Today."  You can also find your form under the "Registration/Adult Registration" menu.
If 2020 is your first year as an Advisor: You will still need to complete a form for 2021, even if you just got appointed for 2020 a few days ago. However, you won't have a renewal fee this time. Submit your form for review by the Executive Officer, and you're all set!
If you prepaid for 2021: Thank you! When you complete your form, you'll still need to click the button that says "Submit Prepaid" to apply the credit. On your Change/No Change form, years you have already paid for will have boxes pre-checked and the words "prepaid" in parenthesis.
Requesting Advisory Councils: To request that your EO appoint you to an Advisory Council, you need to select the checkbox next to that Council and select a role in the drop-down box. (e.g., Chairman, Chapter Advisor, Advisor, Volunteer). If you don't choose a role, you will not appear on that Advisory Council roster.
As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Dad Drouin at eo@mademolay.org or the Service & Leadership Center at 1-800-DeMolay or by submitting a support ticket request in eScribe.